Greetings!!!! I cannot believe it is already valentines day!!! My sweet husband took me out for breakfast this morning and then I scrapped all day before picking up my son from kindergarten. I then made dinner and then we had a relaxing night at home. I was super happy to get this baby album done (as baby is three weeks old already) and am super excited to send it to her!!!
Aurora: created based on Rochelle Spears' Scrappy friends February rewind sketch challenge
My Pregnancy: based on a previous Let's Scrp Sketch
What mommy/daddy thought of me: based on Let's Get Sketchy week 1, I was inspired by the idea of loe and flowers
First Days Home: based on Let's Scrap February 1st sketch
Dirty Messy Face: based on a laura whitaker sketch
Bathtime: based on Sketch~n~scrap #122
Sweet Dreams; based on Stuck?! February 1st Sketch
A first for everything; my own design
How I grow. . . . . .and grow: my own design
happy 1st birthday: my own design
Thank you for stopping by and for your wonderful comments!!!!