I know I know it's been much too long since my last post and for that I am sorry. But my life has been a soap opera (to say the least), a friend who became homeless moved in with me, I started work, a friend who became homeless moved in with us, my husband walked out on my son and I for another woman, my health has been in decline (since stress is REALLY bad for my thyroid), my mom came for a visit, my son had his 6th birthday (superhero themed yay!!!), I abruptly lost my job since my contract ended without notice, I went and spent time with my girlfriends in Bonnyville, I started decluttering my house (since i don't need a three bedrooms with just two of us), I started dating (met some very "special" people, and one who has changed my life for the better - - - will be scrapping him soon since i'm making him a scrapbook album of our "firsts" for christmas. So yes some highs and lows so I haven't had the motivation to get into my scrap space but after baby being over a month old I decided I was finally in a good space and ready to scrap. Hope you like :)
Aubrey: Based on Let's Get Sketchy November 1st 2017 sketch
Our Pregnancy: based on a older Let's Scrap sketch
How I grow. . . . . .and grow: my own design
These will hold me forever: my own design