Monday, 27 November 2017

Owl baby album

I know I know it's been much too long since my last post and for that I am sorry. But my life has been a soap opera (to say the least), a friend who became homeless moved in with me, I started work, a friend who became homeless moved in with us, my husband walked out on my son and I for another woman, my health has been in decline (since stress is REALLY bad for my thyroid), my mom came for a visit, my son had his 6th birthday (superhero themed yay!!!), I abruptly lost my job since my contract ended without notice, I went and spent time with my girlfriends in Bonnyville, I started decluttering my house (since i don't need a three bedrooms with just two of us), I started dating (met some very "special" people, and one who has changed my life for the better - - - will be scrapping him soon since i'm making him a scrapbook album of our "firsts" for christmas. So yes some highs and lows so I haven't had the motivation to get into my scrap space but after baby being over a month old I decided I was finally in a good space and ready to scrap. Hope you like :)

Aubrey: Based on Let's Get Sketchy November 1st 2017 sketch

Our Pregnancy: based on a older Let's Scrap sketch 

Mommy & Me/Daddy & Me: based on Sketches in Thyme #300

First Days Home: based on GrandDiva's Creative Corner rewind challenge

Dirty Messy Face: based on Stuck?! November 1 2017 sketch

Bathtime: based on The ScrapRoom November Jump Start Challenge


 How I grow. . .    . . .and grow: my own design

Happy 1st birthday: based on Sketch~n~scrap #140

These will hold me forever: my own design


  1. Awesome layouts! Love those cute owls. Thanks for sharing it with us at Sketches In Thyme!

  2. So sorry for all you have had to go through---glad you at doing well now and found some happiness! Nice work here too! Thanks for using the sketch and joining us at LGS!

  3. Lovely pages! Great take on the sketch! Thanks for playing with us at LGS!

  4. You really have been tried and tested, I do hope it is happy roads ahead for you, glad you are back scrapping and posting. Your double layout of the sketch is just lovely. Thank you for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches.

  5. Awesome pages! Beautiful embellishments! Thanks for playing along with us at Stuck?!Sketches!

  6. Great pages! Love the embellies. Thanks for joining us at Sketches in Thyme

  7. Sorry to hear you have had a rough time, and wishing you all of the best. Thanks for sharing your lovely work ... thanks for joining us at Let's Get Sketchy :)

  8. Great take on the challenge, thanks so much for joining us at LGS!

  9. Wow you have been very busy creating and it looks beautiful! thank you for joining in with LGS. All the best

  10. Super cute pages with the owls! So happy you played with us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  11. Beautiful page!! thank you so much for joining us at LGS.

  12. I always enjoy your baby books and this one is no exception! Thank you for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  13. I don't know how you do it all! These are amazing I love the sweet owl and the colors you have chosen for your book! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap!

  14. Sorry you've been having a rough time and I hope you are feeling a bit brighter now. I love the double take of the sketch and thanks for taking the time to play along at Stuck?! Sketches!

  15. Awesome pages and thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap.

  16. Great take on the GCC Sketch and also the sketch for The ScrapRoom. Thank you so much for playing along in both challenges!

  17. Looks like you are cruising on your album! It's looking good! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap!

  18. Love your page and take on the challenge. Thanks for joining in with us at Let's Get Sketchy.
